Head, Heart & Handwork

An On-Line Classroom

Former Waldorf Fiber Arts Teacher

After 16  years of teaching the Fiber Arts program at a Waldorf school, Mary K. Till is opening an on-line school to teach children and adults Fiber Arts classes – Knitting class link, Crocheting class link, Needlework class link, and Seasonal Projects class link.

My Promise

At Head, Heart, & Handwork:

 your child will feel kindness and respect in the classroom,

 they will have fun and feel challenged, when they complete

 their project, they will be proud of their efforts and their

 accomplishments, and you will both share in the joy of them

 creating something from their imagination, their heart and their hands.

Blog Post

Plant Dying Made Easy

~ It’s that time of year, my favorite time of year, when it’s the beginning of a new school year.  Time to get out the

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